Melanie Kleinschmidt is a conservator and restorer of paintings and professionally responsible for the preservation of art and cultural assets, also known as cultural heritage. She also studied cultural management and is very familiar with public relations work in the cultural sector. She first came into contact with the Dharma teachings in 2012 when Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche gave a teaching in Hamburg. Since then she started practicing at TTC and became a student of Acharya Lama Dawa. She takes refuge in 2013 and finishes her ngondro in 2016. Since 2019 she continues to work and help in the center and in 2021 she became secretary and assistant to Archarya Lama Dawa. She improved her practice under the guidance of Acharya Lama Dawa and heartily supported the weekly events, especially the pujas in the center program.
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