Completed fundraising campaigns
Here you will find an overview of all successfully completed fundraising campaigns: Achieving financial freedom for the future activities of the Karmapa in Germany Preserving what already exists – Restoration of the Peace Stupa Weiter -
How do I reach Kamalashila Institute with public transportation? The way to reach us by public transportation can be found here: Link zu Anfahrt Can I stay at Kamalashila Institute without attending a course? Yes. You are more than welcome to stay here to do a retreat, relax, or work as a volunteer. Please make sure to reserve a room on time. What facilities does Kamalashila Institute have? In addition to the ongoing courses and seminars, we have a library, which mainly contains Buddhist literature, a Dharmashop, which sells Tibetan practice texts, books, and various objects used in Buddhist rituals, … Weiter -
Become a Volunteer
Kamalashila Institute is a non-profit organisation that is heavily reliant on volunteer help – in and around the buildings and the grounds and during events and seminars. We’re always very happy to welcome newcomers! Helping out on a voluntary basis is also a wonderful way of practising mindfulness in action away from the meditation cushion. We currently need support in the following areas: Weiter -
Our Vision
The world we live in is getting smaller and people’s actions have tremendous impact. In the era in which we live people cannot get away with clinging to their beliefs. I don’t have any personal attachment or clinging to being a Buddhist. We need to step outside the boundaries of Buddhism and really go out and share the benefits of our Buddhist practice with the rest of the world. Weiter