Many people already support Kamalashila Institute with their regular donations. Every donation is welcome, no matter how small. From the Buddhist perspective, it is not only the recipient who is blessed by the donation but the donator as well. One speaks in Buddhism of acquiring merit through positive actions. Donating allows you to consciously take part in designing the world you live in and to strengthen those areas that are especially important to your own life. If Kamalashila Institute with all it has to offer is important to you, then your donation is a good investment.
You can use our online donation form or make a direct bank transfer to our donation account (see below).
Completed fundraising campains!
Donation account
Account holder: Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland – Tibetisch-Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft e.V.
Bank Kreissparkasse Mayen
IBAN: DE33 5765 001 001 9949 1127
Payment for:Â “Donation”