Completed fundraising campaigns
Here you will find an overview of all successfully completed fundraising campaigns: Achieving financial freedom for the future activities of the Karmapa in Germany Preserving what already exists – Restoration of the Peace Stupa Weiter -
Practising meditation is essentially a way of getting to know ourselves better through familiarizing ourselves with our own minds. From the Buddhist point of view, the human mind is already awake and liberated. Its nature is compassionate and fully present. No matter what kinds of meditation we practise, all of them are aimed at increasing our mindfulness and presence, facilitating inner peace, and enabling us to deal with our emotions in a healthy way. Weiter -
Are you interested in “personally encountering the Buddha” and following the spiritual path described by him? If you are, then there are a few things you should know before you begin your journey. Buddhism is primarily a path on which you study, get to know, and train your own mind. It is a spiritual and not a religious path. The goal is self-knowledge rather than salvation, and freedom rather than a heavenly kingdom. Buddha’s path is based on rational thinking and analysis and on contemplation and meditation, the goal being to transform mere knowledge “about things” into knowledge that transcends … Weiter -
Become a Volunteer
Kamalashila Institute is a non-profit organisation that is heavily reliant on volunteer help – in and around the buildings and the grounds and during events and seminars. We’re always very happy to welcome newcomers! Helping out on a voluntary basis is also a wonderful way of practising mindfulness in action away from the meditation cushion. We currently need support in the following areas: Weiter -
Becoming a Member
Would you like to support Kamalashila Institute? One way of supporting Kamalashila Institute is by becoming a sponsoring member in the association Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland e.V. Through your membership, you’ll be supporting both the association and Kamalashila’s activities. Membership in the association entitles you to participate in its annual meeting, which means you have a voice in important decisions, including those concerning Kamalashila Institute. Members also receive rebates on the course fees in Kamalashila Institute in Langenfeld and at other affiliated centres. Members also receive the association’s annual magazine “Dharma-Nektar” free of charge. The magazine reports on the most … Weiter -
German Karma Kagyu Association
Kamalashila Institute for Buddhist Studies and Meditation is a part of and is simultaneously the main centre of the Karma Kagyü Gemeinschaft Deutschland e.V., a German association that functions as the official representative of the Karma Kagyu lineage and of the activities of H.H. the Karmapa in Germany. In the 1970s, prestigious teachers of the Karma Kagyu tradition, such as Kalu Rinpoche and the 16th Karmapa, began travelling to Europe and North America. In the wake of these visits, several Kagyu centres were also established in Germany, which necessitated the founding of an association for the organization and administration of … Weiter -
Our Sangha
The Pali or Sanskrit word “sangha” means something like “community” or “gathering”. In very general terms, the sangha means the community of all Buddhist practitioners who follow the Buddha’s path and the Buddha’s teachings (dharma). But often students of a particular master or institution will also refer to themselves as a sangha, which is then a more narrow meaning. In spiritual terms, the sangha is one of the so-called “three jewels” consisting of the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha. Buddhist practitioners take refuge in these, which means they place themselves under the protection of them. One often hears of … Weiter -
Our Team
The smooth running of the day to day operations of Kamalashila Institute is only possible with the help of many people. The following persons currently make up our core team: Office and Guest Services Brigitte Kohlgraf und Kasia Schlenker Telephone office hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon Wednesday and Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. The office is closed on Tuesdays and weekends. T: +49 2655 9390-40 Spiritual Directors Acharya Lama Sonam Rabgye and Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi Contact via our office: T: +49 2655 9390-40 Interpreting and Translation Brigitte Lause T: +49 2655/9390-55 Dharmashop … Weiter -
Spiritual Director
Karma Sungrab Ngedön Tenpe Gyeltshen was born in Indian in Rumtek/Sikkim in 1965 and was soon recognized as the 7th reincarnation of Dzogchen Pönlop Rinpoche. He is therefore one of the most important teachers of the Nyingma and Kagyu traditions of Tibetan Buddhism. Rinpoche grew up under the care of the 16th Karmapa. He received comprehensive training in the contemplative, intellectual, and artistic disciplines of Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. He graduated from the Karma Shri Nalanda University in Rumtek/Sikkim and afterwards studied English literature and comparative religion at Columbia University in New York. He is a lineage holder of both … Weiter -
You can reach us by telephone at +49 2655 9390-40 during our office hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 10:00 a.m.–12 noon and Friday: 4 p.m.–6 p.m. The office is closed on Tuesdays and weekends. F: +49 2655 9390-41 Our postal address: Kamalashila Institut Kirchstraße 22a 56729 Langenfeld/Eifel If possible, enter the postal code in your GPS system as there are several Langenfelds in Germany! Bank account for paying course fees: Account holder: Tibetisch-Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft Account No. 152002424, BLZ 57650010–Kreissparkasse Mayen IBAN DE2957650010152002424 Payment for: State the number and date of the event Weiter