Our Team
The smooth running of the day to day operations of Kamalashila Institute is only possible with the help of many people. The following persons currently make up our core team:
Office and Guest Services
Brigitte Kohlgraf und Kasia Schlenker
Telephone office hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – 12 noon
Wednesday and Friday: 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
The office is closed on Tuesdays and weekends.
T: +49 2655 9390-40
Spiritual Directors
Acharya Lama Sonam Rabgye and
Acharya Lama Kelzang Wangdi
Contact via our office:
T: +49 2655 9390-40
Interpreting and Translation
Brigitte Lause
T: +49Â 2655/9390-55
Dharmashop at Kamalashila Institute
Managing Director: Ralf Haller
Opening hours and information:
Thu 10am to 1pm and 2pm – 5.30pm
Friday 10am to 1pm and 2pm – 4pm
Sat/Su 10am to 1.30pm and 2.30pm – 5pm
T: +49 2655 9390-50
Online-Shop:Â www.dharmashop.de
Café Stupa
Ralf Haller
T: +49 2655 9390-50
Kagyü Media Verlag
Ralf Haller
T: +49 2655 9390-50
F: +49 2655 9390-51
Rosemarie Thelen
Rosemarie Thelen, Ulla Rausch, Anette Schäfer and Tanja Klippenstein
Garden and Renovation Work (voluntary)
Hannelore Dillenberger and Hans Saramok
Library management  (voluntary)
Hans Saramok
Voluntary Workers
In addition to our hired employees, Kamalashila and its work is supported through the selfless and deep commitment of a large number of voluntary workers. At the top of the list (although there are many others) are Hannelore and Hans, Brigitte M., Axel, Nici, Rolf, Thomas, Theresa, and our numerous volunteers.
All of you deserve our deep respect, recognition, and appreciation!
Perhaps you too are interested in supporting us as a volunteer? Information on the various volunteer possibilities is available here.
Management Board of Karma Kagyu Gemeinschaft Deutschland e.V.
In addition to the work of the employees of Kamalashila Institute, the honorary Management Board of Karma Kagyu Gemeinschaft Deutschland e.V. (which Kamalashila Institute is a part of) also lends an active hand in many areas.