Completed fundraising campaigns
Here you will find an overview of all successfully completed fundraising campaigns: Achieving financial freedom for the future activities of the Karmapa in Germany Preserving what already exists – Restoration of the Peace Stupa Weiter -
How do I reach Kamalashila Institute with public transportation? The way to reach us by public transportation can be found here: Link zu Anfahrt Can I stay at Kamalashila Institute without attending a course? Yes. You are more than welcome to stay here to do a retreat, relax, or work as a volunteer. Please make sure to reserve a room on time. What facilities does Kamalashila Institute have? In addition to the ongoing courses and seminars, we have a library, which mainly contains Buddhist literature, a Dharmashop, which sells Tibetan practice texts, books, and various objects used in Buddhist rituals, … Weiter -
Become a Volunteer
Kamalashila Institute is a non-profit organisation that is heavily reliant on volunteer help – in and around the buildings and the grounds and during events and seminars. We’re always very happy to welcome newcomers! Helping out on a voluntary basis is also a wonderful way of practising mindfulness in action away from the meditation cushion. We currently need support in the following areas: Weiter